If you are doing a lot of drag and drop of files and folders, you may want to consider using the ClickLock feature available in Windows XP. With this feature activated, you can left click and hold the click for a determined amount of time until the item that was clicked is locked. Then just release the left click and move your mouse to the location where you would like to drop the item, left click again and it will be dropped in to this new location. Here is how to activate the ClickLock feature:
Go to Start>> Control Panel>> Mouse Icon. You will then see the illustration shown below. In the Mouse Properties window, click the "Buttons" tab. Then, place a check mark in the little check box titled "Turn on ClickLock". Once this is checked it will activate the "Settings" button. By clicking the settings button, you will be able to control the speed in which it takes Windows to lock on to the selected item. It defaults in the center position and in most cases, this is fine.
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