When you logon to Windows XP for the first time, Windows uses a template to store the information you have inputted to customize your Windows XP experience. However, if multiple users would like to have their own customized profile on the same machine, you would need to modify the default user profile to accommodate these new users.
Warning: Be careful when editing the default user profile. The change is permanent, so it is a good idea to make a backup copy of it so that it can easily be returned to its original configuration in the event something goes wrong.
How to create the customized default user profile:
Logon as Administrator, then create a local user account.
Go to Start>> My Computer>> Tools>> Folder Options.
Under Advanced settings, click the Show Hidden files and folders option.
Logoff of the Administrator account, then log back on using the local account information that you've just created.
Note: Step #2 is important because if you change the default user profile while logged on as Administrator, you will cause permission issues.
Go to Start>> My Computer>> Local Drive (usually C:/) >> Documents and Settings>> Default User.
Logoff the system, then log back on as Administrator.
Go to Start>> Control Panel>> System>> Advanced tab
Under Profiles stored on this computer, click the profile that you've just created. Then, click the "Copy To" button.
In the "Browse doe Folder window, find your default user folder (C:\Documents and Settings\Default User folder)
Back in the "Copy To" window and under the "Permitted to use" option, click the Change button.
Note: If the "Everyone" option is not listed, choose the Advanced option, then click "Find Now". You should now see the Everyone option. Click OK.
Now, when a new user logs on to the computer, Windows XP will use the customized default user profile.
Note: This template folder can be copied to any Windows XP based machine.
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